Role of Gratitude in Spirituality

We have all received. Whether from the Universe, or God or nature or manifested ourself -we can all agree that we have all received. We ought to have reverence for that. We should feel grateful for that.

They say the highest state of consciousness that one can be in is Gratitude and that the one who is grateful is given more. 
Gratitude alone can bring us out of the darkest states of mind. Once we accept what we have been given and feel thankful for it, we come to the present moment and the present is without the worry of past and without the anticipation of the future.
If we are truly concerned about the health of our spirit, we will not let a single chance of gratitude slip out of our hands. Being thankful for what we have helps us quiet the constant chatter of the mind with its unsatiable needs. This is how healing happens. 
People maintain journals to enlist every single thing they feel grateful for. The miracle that gratitude is can be seen from incidents where gratitude towards the present moment brings instant shift in thoughts and that then manifests as a reality.