A must read for every book lover, it’s a goldmine for those who read for knowledge, enlightenment or simply for entertainment. It tells you how you can own a book. We tend to get possessed by books we read. This is a book that will tell you how to own a book by grasping not what is in the book or reading what you make of it but actually getting into the head of the author and seeing the world from his eyes. This book certainly wants you to evolve as a reader and inspires you to read material that is not conventionally convenient to read and yet at the same time puts the author at a pedestal and teaches us readers-how we can know what is being said from that pedestal. Quick notes and handy tricks with well defined rules for reading a book and making most of it is what the contents of the book are. It’s a complete and thorough guide to what to look for in a book , any kind of book for that matter.I d give this book an 8 on 10.