Movie review: Lost in Translation

If you feel a love and don’t know what to do with it but feel it in your very DNA and cant make up your mind as to how to name it , this is the movie for you. It’s a movie about doomed romance, the kind that makes you sad at the ending , although the ending is shown as happy. When you feel connected to someone , when you think on the same lines, when you feel the need to share your concerns. When you find yourself sharing wisdom -all this happening with a calm ease. This movie will surely put you at ease with yourself. Its simple and that’s what is best about it . No attempts at making things appear otherwise, its simple and straight yet such a rare story. Its heartbreakingly real and yet this movie fills the same heart with joy at the events unfolding around the protagonists. They are put in a situation that is similar to each other’s . This commonality , this common ground for all the chatter , all the discussions makes them both find home in a foreign land. The most unexpected is the ending . One keeps thinking what it could it be and it ends up being , simple and straight forward like the rest of the movie. The makers have shown events and then left it upto the audience to make whatever they want out of it. I d give it a 9 on 10.